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Animal Law Practice
831 SW Hume St., Portland, OR 97219

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Home - animal law attorney,attorney for animal related issues,defense attorney for animal abuse or neglect,animal bite defense attorney,animal criminal defense attorney
Dr. Geordie Duckler is a nationally-known attorney with over 25 years experience operates The Animal Law Practice, a law firm that assists those confronted by, and seeking to resolve, all variety of animal-related legal issues.
    Curriculum Vitae
      Defense of Animal Related Crimes
        Animal Bite and Attack Cases
          Attorney Profile
            Office and Contact

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              Curriculum Vitae (OLD) - animal law attorney Portland OR

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              Help Is On Its Way!

              Geordie DucklerMy unique work stands at the intersection of two separate but related spheres: the world of legal rights, and the world of human/animal interactions. As those worlds sometimes collide - when a pit bull's assault triggers a dispute over a bill, for instance, or when a horse's feed raises a sheriff's suspicions of improper care - I am there to disentangle the confusion, the jumble created in those clashes. Be it claim, charge, citation, or lawsuit, I vigorously help my clients avoid all hazards and steer clear of all wreckage, those awful shoals where the wrong course can end with finances destroyed, jobs threatened, or livelihoods jeopardized. For over three decades, I have handled over 1500 animal-related cases involving every animal legal conflict imaginable, from the almost comical to the deadly serious, and I have successfully protected and asserted legal rights for countless people and businesses adversely affected by an animal's actions. I can help you as well - just give a call and let's talk.

              Should you have any question about your legal rights or responsibilities affected by an animal's actions, by an owner's actions, by the health, safety, or welfare of an animal, or by the obligations or privileges associated with having an animal, please contact the Practice by phone 503-546-8052, by fax 503-841-6278, or by e-mail at

              Copyright © 2014-2025 Animal Law Practice and VisionSite Corporation. All rights reserved.  Sitemap | Links
              Dr. Geordie Duckler is a nationally-known attorney with over 25 years experience operates The Animal Law Practice, a law firm that assists those confronted by, and seeking to resolve, all variety of animal-related legal issues.
              Animal Law Practice, 831 SW Hume St., Portland, OR 97219 - 503-546-8052 - - 2/7/2025 - Page Keywords: animal law attorney,attorney for animal related issues,defense attorney for animal abuse or neglect,animal bite defense attorney,animal criminal defense attorney